The therapy rooms are available for morning, afternoon, evening or all day sessions. It is fully furnished, with linen, couch paper and pillows supplied, if required. The rooms can be used flexibly has a hydraulic plinth, desk and two arm chairs suitable for talking therapies. Large enough and have been used by exercise therapist, podiatrist, acupuncture, psychologists etc
The clinic is located in a secure building, housing other businesses. Brixworth Osteopathic Clinic is well established in the area so referrals and word of mouth likely
9am to evening 7 days a week
Flexible by arrangement to meet practitioner needs. As an example sessional rates £40 for a 4 hour session ( 9am -1pm, 1pm-5pm, and evenings), £20/hour or £70 all day whichever fits best with the need. Further discounts are available if multi-use throughout the week/month. Rent is all inclusive, payable one month in advance. Inclusion in marketing, website and virtual reception/mobile diary as needed.